Herbold Meckesheim – Recycling specialist for the plastics industry. We are specialises not only in machines and systems for the treatment of waste in the plastics-processing industry and the treatment of used, mixed and contaminated plastics, but also in the pulverization of plastic granulates and waste. In addition to this, our machines are used in numerous other applications in waste treatment, raw materials recovery and material preparation for various industrial processes.
We offer a rapid worldwide service in the installation and maintenance of our machines, because we know how important it is for our customers to have no downtime.
Our own over 250-strong workforce and personnel from our worldwide commercial agencies accompany the machines we supply all the way from commissioning to the end of their service lives. Our Meckesheim production plant covers an area of 16,000 square metres. We operate a modern test facility for testing our machines with customer-specific materials.