Herbold Meckesheim at the K 2010 (27/10 – 03/11/2010)
Hall 9, Stand No. 9B 42
The machine and plant manufacturer HERBOLD MECKESHEIM GmbH will present new developments for size-reducing and recycling plastic waste at the K 2010 trade show.
New at the exhibition: Granulators of the HB Series
HERBOLD’s range of granulators has been enlarged by the new granulators of the HB series and will be presented for the first time at the K 2010. With this granulator it is now possible to size reduce whole bales of film, bulk injection moulding and blow moulding parts and bales of foamed plastics, etc. in one single step to the required granule size for its subsequent further treatment. The grinding chamber is directly linked to a feed hopper. With the help of a PLC-controlled ram the material is forwarded to the rotor. So for many materials a two-step size reduction consisting of a shredder and a granulator will no longer be necessary.

Fig. 1: Herbold Granulator SML 60/100 HB
New at the exhibition: Herbold Wet Shredder, Type HGM
Another new development is the HERBOLD wet shredder type HGM. This on all sides armour-plated size-reduction unit has especially been developed for highly contaminated plastic waste, such as agricultural film. Using water right from the first processing step for the size reduction of highly contaminated plastic waste will reduce the well-known wear and tear problem and will considerably increase the efficiency of a wash line for agricultural film.
In addition to this, we will also focus on components and complete lines for recycling mixed and contaminated plastic waste. In this field, Herbold can provide modules, especially and individually put together according to the customer’s needs. Everything from a simple wet granulator, e.g. for bottle crates, to a complete custom-made washing line integrating a hot washing step can be put together according to the material, the degree of contamination and the required throughput performance, or an existing line can be optimised or completed.

Fig. 2: three-dimensional drawing HerboldWet Shredder, Type HGM
Optimised Plastcompactor:
The plastcompactor is not only used for compacting films, fibres and foams for the production of agglomerates with excellent flow properties, but it is also an efficient final component of a washing line for drying thin and stretch film since it is a much more energy saving procedure than thermal procedures and procedures in batches. The optimised feeding device guarantees the highest efficiency, even in case of extremely wet materials or materials with an extremely low bulk density.

Fig.3: HV-compacting disc
New Fine-Grinding Series:
For fine-grinding, another highlight of Herbold’s product range, the newly developed pulveriser PU 650 is another pre-eminent machine of HERBOLD’s product range. In comparison to traditional grinders, this machine has a special characteristic feature: the rotor has been mounted vertically, thus considerably reducing the charge of the bearings. This machine, therefore, is very compact and easy to maintain.

Fig. 4: Three-dimensional drawing Herbold Pulverizer PU 650