Planta de reciclaje de botellas de PET de un único proveedor

Coperion y Herbold Meckesheim colaboran tecnológicamente en la construcción de una planta completa para el reciclaje «Bottle to Bottle» a partir de un único proveedor para el fabricante indio de envases de plástico y preformas, Magpet Polymer Pvt Ltd. Además del procesamiento mecánico completo de las botellas de PET usadas, el sistema de reciclaje abarca todos los pasos del proceso liderados por el sistema de extrusión, con una extrusora de doble husillo ZSK, incluido el sistema de peletizado y el reactor SSP (Solid State Polycondensation).


PET washing systems in demand

Herbold Meckesheim is satisfied with its results after IFAT 2022 in Munich. Despite the current economic uncertainties, the special machine builder has recorded a constant number of incoming orders. After many negotiations, the projects are now seen to get reality – almost 60 percent of these projects are located outside Germany.


In the beginning is the shredder

For use in plastic recycling plants, the demand for powerful shredders has grown. Especially those that can process entire bales at the beginning of the reprocessing chain. Modern washing plants in particular, such as produced by Herbold Meckesheim, require sophisticated shredder technology to be able to process high throughputs and challenging feed materials. At the same time, the machines should be largely wear-resistant and as simple as possible to operate and maintain.


Herbold washing plant gets to the heart of PP hard plastics

The primary production of one metric ton of polypropylene – the world’s second most widely used plastic – requires some 5.2 metric tons of raw materials and releases 1.7 metric tons of greenhouse gases. By contrast, the use of one metric ton of polypropylene from secondary raw materials, such as plastic waste, results in only around 225 kilograms of resource consumption and just under one metric ton of greenhouse gases.


HERBOLD MECKESHEIM: new pulverizing concept with vertical pulverizer

There are mainly two fields in the plastics industry where pulverizing is required most: when recycling rigid PVC waste, pulverizing into powder creates a high-quality regenerated material that can directly be introduced into the heating mixer. In the field of rotational molding and fluidized bed coating, the virgin material is pulverized to a fineness of 500 my (35 mesh) or 300 my (60 mesh) before its treatment. …
