Herbold Circular Shredder Series ZSR 230

For shredding of large-diameter, reject pipes: a completely new solution! The HERBOLD circular shredder of the ZSR serie

Dickwandige PE-Rohre erreichen immer größere Dimensionen: waren bisher 1600 mm ein geläufiger Standard, sind heute bereits Abmessungen über 2000 mm keine Ausnahme mehr. Natürlich entsteht auch bei der Herstellung dieser Rohre mit Wandstärken teilweise über 100 mm und Anfahrklumpen mit mehreren 100 kg Stückgewicht…


Growing markets, higher throughputs

Herbold Meckesheim is reporting an excellent order situation for PET and film washing lines towards the end of the current fiscal year. Towards the end of the US fiscal year, because since last summer Herbold belongs to the US group Hillenbrand Inc. Last October, a separate Recycling Business Unit was set up under the umbrella of Hillenbrand with the machinery building company Coperion to cover the entire process chain of plastics processing. This gives the Meckesheim-based plant manufacturer an even stronger basis and more impetus for its steady growth.


First the mechanics, then the chemistry

The agreement is rightly called historic: Recently, the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) passed a resolution providing a global agreement to curb plastic waste. By the end of 2024, a legally binding convention is to regulate the entire life cycle of plastics. Bitterly necessary, after all, according to UN figures, around 400 million tons of plastic waste are generated worldwide every year, of which only about nine percent is recycled.


First Herbold PET Washing Line in Kazakhstan

Early this year, Herbold Meckesheim GmbH commissioned the latest state-of-the-art washing line for PET bottles in Kazakhstan. The operator of the line, Vtorma Ecology, has also built the first big waste grading plant in Almaty. The positively sorted PET bottles are transformed by the Herbold washing line into a high-quality ground material. These machines have been designed to treat highly contaminated bottles from the waste grading plant….


Fire at Herbold Meckesheim GmbH

Herbold Meckesheim GmbH was hit by a devastating fire during the night to Monday 10/09/2018. Affected are the central warehouse and the shipping department. The damage is estimated to run into the millions. The office space, the test centre and the production halls are not affected.


Coperion y Herbold en la NPE 2024

En la NPE 2024 (del 6 al 10 de mayo de 2024, Orlando, Florida/EE. UU.), Coperion y Herbold Meckesheim presentarán una amplia variedad de componentes y soluciones avanzados para el reciclaje y el procesamiento de plásticos en su estand W1601 del pabellón oeste, 2.º piso. Como materia prima, el plástico puede contribuir de forma valiosa a la protección del medioambiente, la revolución energética y la economía circular. La clave reside en reciclar los plásticos.


Coperion takes over Herbold Meckesheim

Herbold Meckesheim has settled its succession: The German engineering company announced it would become part of the Coperion Group, headquartered in Stuttgart. Coperion, in turn, belongs to Hillenbrand Inc, a global industrial group headquartered in Batesville, Indiana, USA.


Coperion Recycling Innovation Center is Up and Running

Coperion has successfully launched operation of its new Recycling Innovation Center. In this high-tech test center for plastics recycling applications, every recycling process step – from material handling and feeding to extrusion, compounding, pelletizing, material postprocessing and deodorization – can be tested. Extensively equipped recycling systems are available that can be modified in myriad ways, depending upon the specific requirements of the recyclate to be produced.
