HERBOLD MECKESHEIM: new pulverizing concept with vertical pulverizer

There are mainly two fields in the plastics industry where pulverizing is required most: when recycling rigid PVC waste, pulverizing into powder creates a high-quality regenerated material that can directly be introduced into the heating mixer. In the field of rotational molding and fluidized bed coating, the virgin material is pulverized to a fineness of 500 my (35 mesh) or 300 my (60 mesh) before its treatment. …

First Herbold PET Washing Line in Kazakhstan

Early this year, Herbold Meckesheim GmbH commissioned the latest state-of-the-art washing line for PET bottles in Kazakhstan. The operator of the line, Vtorma Ecology, has also built the first big waste grading plant in Almaty. The positively sorted PET bottles are transformed by the Herbold washing line into a high-quality ground material. These machines have been designed to treat highly contaminated bottles from the waste grading plant….

Herbold High Speed Shredder – A New Solution for Recycling Plastic Waste

Washing and size reduction of highly contaminated PE and PP bottles
The applications of plastic waste recycling become more and more complicated: the feeding material is characterised by a steadily growing contamination and an increasing percentage of foreign bodies. One reason for this are the new sorting procedures; another reason is the fact that more and more frequently, streams of waste materials that in the past could not be recycled at all, or only after a preceding time-consuming and costly manual preparation, are nowadays treated fully-automatically…