Washing, Cutting and Drying…

Not only hairdressers and barbers can do this, but also the machines of HERBOLD MECKESHEIM GmbH – the latter are appropriate for recycling contaminated and mixed plastic waste, i.e. PET bottles, agricultural film, barrels and containers, oil reservoirs, etc…


Herbold High Speed Shredder – A New Solution for Recycling Plastic Waste

Washing and size reduction of highly contaminated PE and PP bottles
The applications of plastic waste recycling become more and more complicated: the feeding material is characterised by a steadily growing contamination and an increasing percentage of foreign bodies. One reason for this are the new sorting procedures; another reason is the fact that more and more frequently, streams of waste materials that in the past could not be recycled at all, or only after a preceding time-consuming and costly manual preparation, are nowadays treated fully-automatically…
